Mobile Desktop

Create Desktop Account

Desktop flaru accounts connect through the MetaMask ethereum wallet, an extension available for web browsers. This allows for secure authentication on personal computers.

Step: 1

Get The MetaMask Wallet

Download and install MetaMask. This will provide you with an ethereum address. Use the MetaMask browser plugin with your regular web browser. We recommend Firefox.

Step: 2


Load the MetaMask wallet app.

Visit in your web browser.

Click login at the top, and then click connect.

Your flaru account has now been created and logged in.

You have the option of becoming a member by obtaining flaru coin. It provides elite administrator privileges. Membership is anonymous, transferable, and has a monetary investment value. This will hide advertisements and enable searching of blocked websites.

Banned Websites

Step: 3

Get Flaru Coin

Buy it, get it from friends, or trade it on the decentralized exchange. Hold the required amount of flaru coin in your wallet to be authenticated as a member.

Add Flaru Coin to the MetaMask watchlist.


Membership Holding Amount: 10

Flaru Coin

v0.6.3 account - SSL - © 2016-2024 Flaru